Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Those of you who aren't from Texas, specifically West Texas, won't understand this post at all...

You never really appreciate Allsup's until you haven't had it for an extended period of time. When leaving Abilene to go to Breckenridge Saturday night we passed an Allsup's and Emily said..."We should have gotten an Allsup's burrito." I offered to turn around but she said we would just wait 'til Breck to get one, becuase nearly every small town in West Texas has an Allsups. So what did we do when we got to Breck?? Stopped at Allsup's of course, and Emily just couldn't pass down the photo op.

Now let me share with those who are not familiar with Allsups---yes it is a gas station, a 24 hour one at that, but they food is, hmm, how do you explain it, your typical gas station food. Not great for you...all fried in grease, where everything is fried together, and it may have been sitting in the warmer for several hours (doubtful though, people love this stuff) but it's just one of those thing you really enjoy, especially when you are starving and it's the only thing open for miles.
MMM..Allsups burritos & spicy chicken bites (I prefer the regular). Of course we had a Tallsup Dr Pepper to complete the meal.

YUMMY....also I don't suggest trying to take pictures while driving down the's hard to get a good one.

Emily with her Allsup's meal

4 Thoughts from Friends:

Liss and MOMMY said...

Funny, I wanted to go there today for lunch. The kids were with me but Cody turned us down.

Andreia Rice said...

Love it!!! haha


Taylor and Parker have literally grown up on "gut-bombs."


Tandy Adams said...

Oh yeah girl! A good ole fried chimachanga burrito is the BEST.... especially late at night on the way home :) Kerry Don calls them belly bombs!