Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I have a new obsession. When I was leaving Wal-Mart the other day, I noticed that they had a new Redbox. I have never previously used a Redbox, but knew that Emily & Kyle had and that movies truly are only $1 + tax for a rental. I took note of this and went on my way. The next day I went back and rented a movie. Now I am a Redbox regular. There are so many movies that I really want to see, but usually don't have the time or the money to go rent them. I can't tell you the last time I actually went to the theatre and when going to Blockbuster those $3.99 movies begin to add up rather quickly, but only $1 for a rental AND they have new releases--you can't beat that deal. I am in Heaven. This week is my "off" week for work. No 6 am workouts and no camps, it's been a glorious and boring week. I get up, go workout (the weight room is only open from 8-12), shower, go back to work for Wendy's rehab at 2 and then try to find something to do for the rest of the day. Perfect time to catch up on my movie watching. In the past couple of days I have watched The Bucket List, Fools Gold & No Reservations. There are many more that I want to watch, but am trying to limit myself to one a day right now. I am pretty sure I spend more on gas going to and from Wal-Mart to rent and return movies, but I usually need something at Wal-Mart or that way as well, so I try to clump those trips together. Just thought I would enlighten you with my new discovery. Sorry for those of you in Tulia, no redbox location as of now--I already checked it out for you :( My life is pretty boring right now, but I know in about a month I will be longing for a day off. Football physicals are August 3rd, soccer on the 6th and volleyball on the 8th. Have a wonderful & safe 4th of July!

4 Thoughts from Friends:

Andreia Rice said...

We have a Redbox in Borger but I haven't used it yet....guess it beats the $3.99 PPV. I didn't know if their was a catch to it either. I guess I'll have to try it out now!

emily and kyle said...

Redbox Rocks! And awhile back if you got a large drink at McDonalds you got a free redbox rental...I still have like 6 free ones left! :)

Paul said...

I don't know about this Redbox thing... I love my Netflix 3 @ a time plan pretty well. And no gas wasting at the mailbox. Plus you get instant movies and television shows on your PC with no commercials. No mounting fees if I choose to keep it a day or two before I have a chance to watch.

BTW loved seeing you and the fam yesterday!

Doug said...

Just a note: If you use Redbox and keep the movie for 4 days (ie you or your spouse forget to return it), it costs $4. Lesson learned. :-)