Saturday, May 10, 2008


The title pretty much explains my post. SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER! Well for me it is. Finals are next week, but one of the greatest things about grad school is we don't have finals. I still have to go to work and try to entertain myself for a few hours becuase I don't have any athletes coming in, but it's not too bad. I do have two girls having surgery, but those aren't until the 19th & 21st, so Eric (my supervisor) is going to start their rehabs because I will be in OKC for the Big 12 Baseball Tournament. None of my grades have been posted, but I expect to be getting As in all of them, which means my 4.0 will still be intact.

Thursday night was the GDI Stop Day dance. That always guarantees a fun night and it upheld its reputation. Friday night was Stephanie's bachelorette party. Stephanie was my student athletic trainer with volleyball this year. I absolutely love this girl. She has a busy few weeks in front of her. Bachelorette party this weekend, graduation next weekend, wedding on the 24th, move to Lubbock on the 25th, start school the 27th. Yes, she is moving to Lubbock and I am super excited for her. She got into the master's athletic training program at Tech, so she's there for 2 years. Her & Jake even bought a house 3 blocks from where I lived in Lubbock. Anyways, we started out the night at Houlihan's and then went to the house to wait on the "Booze Cruz." Our first stop was in Centralia at the Saddle Saloon. There was a live band there and we definitely made their night. We were the life of the party and Steph even rode the mechanical bull. After that we headed back to Columbia where we went to the Piano Bar and Tonic. Stephanie had a great time as did the rest of us. I can't wait for her wedding.

One more thing, I know all of you back home in Texas could shoot me for saying this, but I am so sick of rain, I swear that's all it does here lately. It was supposed to be 72 and clear today, but as I type it is thundering outside and I haven't seen the sun in hours. I have seen more rain since July than I did in the first 24 years of my life. Casey kept telling me a few weeks ago, April Showers Bring May Flowers, but those May flowers can't come out because they are drowning in the May Showers.

Well that's all I got for now. Not too long before I get to go back to TEXAS!!! :)

2 Thoughts from Friends:

emily and kyle said...

I hear ya with the rain!! The wind was way bad today too! It was pelting rain in my face when I had to take the stupid dogs out to pee. (they seem to not go when it's raining unless I go out and yell)

Liss and MOMMY said...

ok so when are you going to get here? We need a sitter...