Monday, September 1, 2008

Tagged-6 Quirks

So Sherri tagged me...thanks a come up with "6 Most Interesting Quirks" about myself. I've known this since Thursday and have been trying to come up with 6 quirks. It's a lot harder than you think. So here goes nothing:

1. My closet has to be color coordinated. Strange I know, but I think it's mom's is too. It's even divided into short sleeves, long sleeves, work clothes, pants, dress clothes, etc... My work clothes are even divided into sports medicine, volleyball, Gatorade & everything else.

2. To go along with No. 1, I am a super organized person. Maybe even have OCD. Everything has a place and it drives me nuts if it isn't in its place. Whether it be my training kit---it drives me crazy when the girls get stuff out and don't put it back where it was---my desk, things at my house, etc...

3. I hate when people call me and don't leave a message if I don't answer. Clearly if someone calls they have a purpose, but if they don't leave a message I have no idea what that purpose might be.

4. I'm a creature of habit, I find something I love at a restaurant and I stick to it. Adam makes fun of me because I order chicken strips at 3/4 of the places we eat, but hey, I LOVE chicken strips. Maybe it's the little kid coming out in me ;) Or I find something I like to eat at home and I cook it all the time....I absolutely LOVE poppyseed chicken so I usually cook it every other week. (In fact, that's what I cooked tonight for supper)

5. No matter how bad of a day I am having a Dr Pepper and a big hug can always make it better. If it's a Sonic Dr Pepper that's a double plus :)

6. I love dance movies and could watch them over and over and over. I have yet to find one I dislike. I also love to dance, especially if I have a great dance partner. Oddly enough, I never took dance as a child, I've just always been intrigued by dance. Maybe it's another one of those inhereted things--my mom has wanted to be dancer since she was a little girl....and an athletic trainer.

I tag Emily, Melissa, Doug, & Andreia! Have fun!

3 Thoughts from Friends:

The Barnes Crew said...

Your welcome! :)

I am as bad as you when it comes to the closet (color coordinated and by short sleeve, long or tank)...anal!

And I LOVE poppyseed chicken but haven't had it for 6 years when some brought it for us after Liv was born!

emily and kyle said...

I have no quirks. I'm perfect.

Andreia Rice said...

I'm with Emily on this one...we're just too perfect!!!
Okay, okay I'll do it but I'm going to have to steal your number one!!!