Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Stressful Week

WOOHOO, I'm stress free for the rest of the week...well for the most part. These past few days have been quite a load. Monday I had 4 different papers due for class, Tuesday I had a presentation and a paper due for class and today I had my comprehensive exam for graduate school. And I am done with all of it!!!!!! I'm a tad bit excited can't you tell?

I spent most of last week and my entire weekend studying for my comps. Thankfully our advisor has the theory that if you pass all your classes with As and Bs and fail your comps it is ridiculous, so he gives us all the quetions we are going to have so we can develop well thought out and written answers for our test. Thank goodness, otherwise I would have definitely had a nervous breakdown before today.

I am so excited to being once step closer to graduation. All I have to do is pass my two classes from this semester and I have a Masters of Education.

Now I'm headed to the home opener baseball game vs Western Illinois for a bit, then over to the final home men's basketball game vs OU. GO TIGERS!!

Oh and here's a picture from trimming my hair a few weekends ago. I decided to go with straight across bangs this time!

1 Thoughts from Friends:

Bailey's Daily said...

Your hair looks really cute!!!!